I say beautiful day, I don't neccessarily mean weather wise but I definitely think it will live on as a beautiful day in the memory. Waking up with the memory of a room full of crazy dutch people mid-orgy was very good start! The Holland versus Uruguay game might have been dull, but the after party was not! Hup Holland Hup! was the cry...and I tell you what having a girl scream that as she rides you is fanFUCKINGtastic! Basically Gaz dragged us out with the Dutch bird he has been shagging...again apparently enjoys his pubeless cock! So we went along with her to this bar which was full of the Dutch, already partying as if they had won. Which of course they then did, thanks to a Mr. Robbe and a Mr. Sneijder! So the party then kicked off even more, any niggling worries that they wouldn't win were gone! The dutch bird Gaz was with (fuck knows her name, doubt he even knows) got absolutely wrecked and passed out in the pub...not before sucking off Gaz in the bog!
I ended up palling up with this bird Enid...proper Dutch name, love it!...me and her snuck off and went back to the hotel..took some serious coke that we bought off our favourite Affie helper in the hotel! Turns out that she gets uber horny when high, she basically ripped my clothes off and hopped on me...then she pretty much ripped off my cock as she shouted "Hup Holland Hup" whilst riding me! Was actually a quality fuck though...I let out the biggest grunt as I blew my load up her! Shit didn't use anything...hope I don't get what will now been known as the Gaz-rash.
Whilst I was laying on my bed gasping to get my breath back after having been vigorous fucked by a Dutch women with a penchant for nipple pinching, she got a text. She turned around to me with a big smile and said "Fancy coming for party!" Now I too thought that she just had bad English and was inviting me to a party, sadly she actually wanted me to 'cum for a party'...as in cum in front of a party of people! I followed her, completely blindly i swear, into a party at another hotel...this was a fetish party! Mental! Everyone was Dutch...except Butters! He was tied up butt naked on a bed in the middle of a room whilst loadsa leather-clad Dutch people were either passed out from drugs or mid-orgy around him!
"What the fuck Butters! What the fuck are you doing?" I said over the din (yes I said the word din...I am now middle aged!)
"Oh shit thank God your here!...Get me out of here!"
"Where are the others?"
"Copped off with women..mine bought me here...why are you here?"
"Yeah your judging me...nice!"
I started attempting to untie him when suddenly surrounded by three Dutch women, 1 of which was Erin, they all looked very angry. Two huge Dutch men then came up behind me, this might end badly...they had whips in their hands!
"Why do they have whips!" asked Butters desperately, "Get me out of here now!"
And that is what I did...I launched my head into one of the guys chests (mainly because I couldn't reach his head) and sent him back against a wall. I then launched my right fist and then my left into his mates face, knocking him down. Everyone looked at me shocked as I desperately untied Butters...loads of naked men pulled out their women and came as us with angry faces across their heads...and condoms hanging off their other heads! We both squirmed out the room, recieving a fair few inadvertant cock slaps on our way out!
So that was an interesting end to that night. Turns our Gaz and Daz ended up having the same woman not two different...apparently they tried hard not to cross swords so fair play...Dutch are fucking weird!!
It is for that reason I now want the Spanish to win! And I don't give a shit what Paul the Psychic octopus fucking says before the next game! Wish he was there when I was making my ridiculous bet! Oracle my arse! Still glad the Spanish beat the fucking Krauts...just to shut people up! "Ohhh they are playing too pretty football" - how on earth can you play too pretty football...how can you be too good at the game to score, fuck off if only England could string half as many passes together!
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